Alex Gross
Mr. Roddy
29 September 2019
Why We are Scared of Fear
In the world today, there are so many things that we have to be careful of, and refrain from doing. There is one specific part of our brain that specifies fear, and it can become uncontrollable when there is one thing that is focused on. Many people have irrational fears that they cannot control, and this is not anyone's fault, because it is hardwired into their brain. On the other hand, there is the fear that is developed from society. Things that are repeated, and happen a lot, are not as widely feared. If there is something that rarely occurs, but when it does the consequences are awful, people will be more afraid of that than something that occurs every day under our noses, that is of a similar severity. Although humans see fear as a bad feeling, and there is almost nobody in the world that would say they like to feel truly afraid, we fill our lives with things like horror films, scary stories, and other things that trigger fear, just for entertainment. In the days of early the early man, people had to fight for their lives day in and day out. Fear was an instinct that showed people how to control what situations they went in to. Now some people crave that feeling, just for the adrenaline rush it gives. Things that are very disgustingly violent, really trigger responses with people. It all depends on what is being talked about. The author of the article about fear, discusses hwo people will be scared of things like airplane crashes, just because of the fact that when they happen they are very publicized. A version of this are crashes in the Tesla automobiles. Every single time a Tesla crashes, it gets on the news. This is because people want it to be talked about. There are people who benefit from people not like Teslas, so they make people afraid. It might seem like a lot, but now think for a second if every crash that you see is on the news. Teslas aren’t so much any more are they. Now imagine if every crash in your state was publicized, or even the entire country. There are over five million miles of roadways in the United States, and you only go on a fraction of a percent of those every day, yet we see crashes. Once things become common, it is almost like we get bored of them. This is why we need to focus more on important issues, and not get scared of things that have a low likelihood of happening like getting eaten by a shark, or struck by lightning. More people are killed at recreational football games, than in plane crashes, but we are not afraid of that, because it’s not what is talked about. Society as a whole needs to start focusing on the actual important issues, and stop letting us focus on unimportant things giving people with power, even more power. If there are people who control what we fear, and what we dont find scary, and fear is a natural instinct that signals fight or flight, and reactions in your brain that let you know whether you could die from something or not, why are we letting people manipulate these things, for their own benefit?


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