FEAR By Edison

Edison Moudry
Mr Roddy
30 September 2019
These days fear is everywhere it spreads like wildfire and kills like attila the hun. The media has a large part in spreading the fear. Every time there is a report on something about people dying for example a plane crash or the attack on the twin towers during 9/11. The media spreads the news and hence the fear. This is what my article talked about the aspect of fear in our modern society and how there are many ways that we see fear. The article talks about how the news media covers threats that are not important thoroughly and they will make them sound a lot worse than they actually are. Then they will take serious threats and make them sound like they arn’t so serious and that can be deceiving. This makes things like everyday incidents like accidents and plane crashes sound like the endo of the world. Don't get me wrong you can definitely die in those events but they arn’t as serious as the 9/11 tragedy. The way the media makes it sound is that the 9/11 tragedy happens every other week and that we should constantly be fearing for our life.


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