The study of Suicide

Leon Hoang
Mr. Roddy
28 September 2019


The Study of Suicide
Suicide is a big problem today. Countless lives have been lost due to the fact that the person doesn’t have a will to live. There are many reasons for suicide, and the book “Le Suicide” written by a French sociologist, Emile Durkheim, studies the psychological effects for suicide. The first study was about how religion affected suicide rates. Durkheim found out that there was a higher percent of suicide rates from Protestants as opposed to Catholics. This makes sense because I did some outside research, and it was proven that even today, Protestant countries are more prone to have higher suicide rates than other countries. 
Moving on, Durkheim also determined that status in life has an impact on suicide. Men have higher rates of suicide than women, single people are more likely as opposed to people in relationships, and rates are lowered by people that have children. Furthermore, Durkheim noticed that soldiers have a increased chance of suicide. In 2012, estimated 7,500 former soldiers commited suicide. More veterans, 177, died to suicide that year than were killed in combat, only 176. The US Army suffered 50% of the suicides from all of the branches. Even more recently, active military personnel suicide rates have spiked. A study showed that soldiers have a high chance of commiting suicide because of intense emotional distress, due to war. Interestingly, suicide rates are higher during peacetimes than wars. This is strange because I assumed it would be higher in war. Another interesting thing is that suicide isn’t only caused pyschologically and emotionally, there are social factors as well. Examples include; bullying, cyberbullying, exclusion, etc. After all the research, Durkheim theorized that there are four types of suicide causes. Anomic Suicide: when a person feels disconnected from society due to social, political, or economic causes. Altruistic Suicide is almost the opposite of Anomic suicide, it occurs when a person is connected so strongly to society that they will end their life for it. An examples was the 9/11 bombers. Egoistic suicide is when a person loses social bonds due to old age and personal losses. And finally, Fatalistic suicide occurs when a person does not want to live in oppresive or harsh conditions. I found this article interesting because I found out many things about suicide that I didn’t know before.                
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