The Study of Suicide

Sofi Savarese
Mr. Roddy
September 30, 2019
The Study of Suicide 
Émil Durkheim was a sociologist that studied and analyzed data on suicides. He analyzed the data by putting the people who caused suicide into different groups, such as what their religion was, what their gender was, what political scenes were occurring at that time, etc. He found that there were higher suicide rates in Protestants than Catholics, that it was more common for men to commit suicide than women, that those with a loved one had a lower rate than those who were single. Another piece of information that he discovered was what the trends were with soldiers who committed suicide. He found that the rate for soldiers who committed suicide was more than the regular citizens and that surprisingly they committed it while they weren't serving the country but when it was peaceful. My theory for this is either they didn't want to go back to serving the country, or they were haunted by the memories of serving before. While Durkheim was researching suicide he came to the conclusion that suicide can be a result of psychological, emotional, and social factors. Durkheim formed four groups of social factors that could lead to suicide. The first is Anomic Suicide, this is when a person is experiencing anomie. This occurs when the person is"left out of society" or feeling that they don't belong. The second one is Altruistic suicide this is when people choose to commit suicide for the sake of society. An example is if a pilot had to crash a plane because there were bombs in it that were set on a timer (from Caption America). The third is Egoistic suicide this is when someone feels like they have nothing else left. Like if all of your loved ones passed away. This is more commonly seen with elderly people due to memory loss. The last one is fatalistic suicide. This is when you feel like you would rather die than live in a certain condition, this commonly seen with prisoners.
I thought that this was an incredibly interesting article. I didn't realize that there were this many reasons and different types of suicides. I think that with this information we can help prevent suicide and take steps to help people feel more included rather lost in society.



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