The Biggest Monster Out There...

      Why is it that more people are scared of riding in an airplane than eating their lunch? Research has proven that 556 people per year are killed due do plane incidents while 5,051 individuals die from choking annually. Who is it to blame for the multiple irrational fears that constantly swirl through our minds? The media.
     The news media is both a wonderful blessing an unfortunate curse. During natural disasters, it keeps us updated on our safety, and during elections, it previews political candidates. It grabs the attention of our entire country and shines a light on incredible accomplishments. However, the media constantly selects unusual and rare fatal incidents to headline, spreading various fearful beliefs throughout society. All of these stories about plane crashes and toddler kidnappings that are displayed in bright letters on top of social media pages and televisions screens are simply not portraying the actual issues and concerns present in our everyday life. By showering individuals with tales of accidents that are one of a kind, we are ignoring issues such as poverty and racism that have threatened many for centuries.
     The majority of the population fails to see the common threats we encounter daily. As Lily Rothman states, a mom may be listening to a podcast about a kidnapping while her daughter is in front of her, riding a bike without a helmet. The reason we struggle in recognizing what to fear is that we crave the "juicy news". Simple ways to prevent death, such as driving with a seatbelt on, is "old news" and is nowhere near as interesting as hearing about a random guy from Idaho falling off a chairlift to his death.
      What can we do to stop this pattern? Educate. We must educate the youth on what and what not to fear by setting an example and trusting valid news information. In schools, we learn how to identify reliable sources and we must go through this same procedure while reading the news. Not only does ingesting a regular diet of social media make us sick with anxiety, but it pulls our attention from all of the good things happening in our world. The media is skilled at triggering fear and we must avoid this by using good judgment and not letting the media control what and what not to fear. After all, the media might be the biggest monster out there.


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