A Reason to Diverge from the Norms

The article "Deviance and Strain Theory in Society" from ThoughtCo. argues that the norms of a society consists of "culture" and "social structure." culture being the goals and values of the people and social structure being the process that has been constructed as the typical procedure to achieve their goals. If the social structure of the society makes it very difficult for people to maintain their culture, they will find ways to go against the values to reach their goals, resulting in what is described as "deviant behavior."

The responses to the societies norms are classified into several variations, including conformity, innovation, ritualism, rebellion, and retreatism. Conformity involves the acceptance of the culture and social structure of the society and the engagement of both. Innovation rejects the social structure and creates new means of pursuing the goals. Ritualism rejects both the goals and the means of attaining them, but continues to participate in the actions that are involved. Retreatism is the general term that describes those who rejects both the culture and the social structure. People display different responses as responses as a result of their status in society.

This theory and set of predictions makes a clear indication that the environment directly influence the actions of different groups of people. It shows that people can't be expected to carry out the expectations of a society that doesn't take their disadvantages into consideration. There is a reason behind their deviant actions, so instead of deeming them unacceptable or improper, we should take into account the social structure and its effects on everybody.




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