
Gabriel Han
Sep 30

Sociology Blog

The article I read was about a social experiment called the Asch Conformity Experiment. Developed by Solomon Asch in the 50s, it seeks to gather data about human conformity. The way it works is there are multiple subjects, and all except one are already aware of the experiment. Two cards are given to each subject, one with a black line, the other with three lines labeled A, B, and C. The line on the first card matches a line on the other card, while the other lines are visibly different. They are then asked which lines are the same length, with the unaware subject being asked last. The aware subjects would give purposefully incorrect yet constant answers, and when it came to the unaware subjects, one-third of them gave the same incorrect answer as the aware subjects at least half the time, despite the lines being visibly aware. Forty percent gave some wrong answers, while only one fourth gave correct answers. This study shows just how much humans try to fit in with their surroundings, and try to conform. It confirms human nature, and how we try to conform to norms and societal constants.



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