political Systems : Mexico

Emilio San Vicente 

Mr. Roddy 



Mexican Government 

This country use the “Republic Presidential system Federal republic Constitutional republic”. That Basically is when the government acts to represent the people who elected it. specifically, the expression "indirect democracy" and it is used as a synonym in a representative way.  

Something that proves this is when in Article 40 of the Mexican Constitution says: "It is the will of the Mexican people to become a representative, democratic, federal Republic ..."

The government nowadays and also in general operates in three main powers. The First one is the executive power,Legislative power, and for last, Power of attorney. 

The definition of The Executive Power is :  Is responsible for designing, planning and executing a country's project based on the constitution and laws.

The Legislative  power : Is responsible for creating or modifying a framework of provisions, laws and decrees that regulate the economic and socio-political relations of a country.

The Power of Attorney: It is the power that allows the administration of justice to apply the laws.

This government has been working good since almost always, and I say almost because the only problem that Mexico has is the corruption of the politics and also including the presidents, giving to the citizens lies and hope of a better Mexico. 

And so here we have I said before that this government was good, but the truth is that it would be good without corruption. This affects the citizens in the way of social classes, making a big part of the people, poor and a little part of the people rich. 

Now that I explain this, Mexico is kind of stable in everything. Mexico its not like Venezuela but at least it’s in a good position for a country. 

Mexico had a new president since 1 year kind of, the name of this president is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador which is admired by the low social class ( a 70% is with him ) and also from the rich classes( a 23% ) . The citizens support him because of the perspectives that he will change Mexico in a positive way. 

Some of the promises that AMLO ( Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ) said were : Fight against the pornes, fight the corruption, give education to the ones that don’t have etc. 

Mexico is a stable country because it’s economy is getting good results and the inflation is controlled because it doesn’t increment the prices of products etc.


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