Political Systems - Israel

Asher Forman
Mr. Roddy
21 January 2020
Political Systems - Israel
     The Israeli government is a parliamentary system and a democratic republic. The parliament aspect of Israel is made up of something called the Knesset, which is 120 different people that approve bills, laws, and more. They are on a four-year term until people of Israel vote on other people that should be in the Knesset. Not just that, but Israel also has something called the "basic laws," which act as a constitution, but isn't exactly recognized as one. What this means is that the Knesset was having some difficulty with coming up with a constitution for this country. So, they ended up deciding to start putting down these "basic laws," which essentially act like a constitution that represents the policies of this country. These laws were established on February 12, 1985, by the third Knesset. What's interesting is that the Prime Minister and the President are both chosen from the Knesset. When the President is being elected, people among the Knesset will secretly vote on someone in this group to become the president. The President will do a seven-year term (since the 2000s) and can't be re-elected. The Prime Minister, on the other hand, is elected by the President from someone in the Knesset. This is done by the President seeing who strongly believes in what he/she believes in, and then electing the person of best fit. The President has more ceremonial power than anything, while the Prime Minister has the executive power.
    The President of Israel at the moment is a man named Reuven Rivlin, and the Prime Minister is named Benjamin Netanyahu. At the moment, Netanyahu has been the longest Prime Minster to serve Israel, but many people don't like him and think he is a corrupt man. He was recently indicted for fraud, lack of trust, and bribery. While many people think he is a bad man, a lot of people support him especially the party that he is apart of called the Likud. As of 2019, the Likud party has 35 seats in the 21st Knesset. This is the largest party in the Knesset, and it happens to be what Benjamin Netanyahu is representing. While many citizens and people not apart of the Likud party think he is the wrong fit as Prime Minister, there are still more people supporting him in the Knesset than any other person. While there might be issues about political figures, as not everyone believes in the same thing, Israel overall has a stable government. This is because they have aspects of a democracy, which gives citizens the right to choose who governs them. In fact, Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. 

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