Political systems: Jordan

Jordan chase
Mr. roddy
January 23, 2020
Political systems 
     In 1946, Jordan became an independent state. Jordan is a constitutional hereditary monarchy with a parliamentary form of government. The king has power over all branches of government. The king also appoints a prime minister who leads government, he also chooses a cabinet There are no constitutional limits on a Prime Minister's term, and several of them served multiple non-consecutive terms these decisions are all subject to parliamentary vote. The government operates with a Senate  as its upper chamber, and a House of Representatives  as its lower chamber. Senators serve a four year term. Jordan is divided into 12 governorates which are appointed by the minister of the interior the goverorates are divided into districts and subdistricts. The judicial system operates separately from the government but judges are appointed and dismissed by royal decree.  Political parties were banned before the elections in 1963, however. Between 1971 and 1976, when it was abolished, the Arab National Union (Jordanian National Union) was the only political organization allowed.  health facilities are operated by the government, but hospitals are found only in major urban centers. A national health insurance program covers medical, dental, and eye care. Jordan also has a very low infant mortality rate compared to other country from the region. Citizens are generally happy with government but are unhappy at the influx of Syrian refugees which the country doesn't have the infrastructure to support.


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