Political Systems- Rwanda

Luke Kirchner

Rwanda's Government

     For this assignment, I chose to research Rwanda. In 1978, the constitution issued in a presidential system, different from two separate heads from before. In 1991, a revision was created that allowed for multi-party participation. Suddenly president Juvenal Habyarimana was suddenly assassinated in 1994, creating a 'power vacuum' and chaos ensued. This happened so fast, elections could not be held to maintain order. The Rwandan genocide was brutally intense as over 1,000,000 Rwandans were murdered and 250,000 to 500,000 women were raped. While this seemed quick to happen, reports say the genocide was planned over a year in advance. With a new constitution in 1995, Rwanda began to amend its governmental system.

     Rwanda is now a multiparty republic. In accordance with the 2003 constitution, the presentient, who serves as head of state, was elected for a seven-year term that was renewable once. In 2015, the constitution was again changed to allow the present at the time to run for a third term. Now, the president serves a five-year term, renewable once and they select a prime minister. All legislative power is through a bicameral parliament. This parliament is full of a chamber of deputies and the senate. The country is also divided into 4 sections (North, East, South, and West) and one city in each is headed by a government. It's hard to say how stable Rwanda is, but they are trying to make their government more stable.


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