Political systems: Singapore

Kilali Latter
Mr. Roddy


Singapore is a republic and has a parliamentary system of government. It has a President as head of state and a Prime Minister as head of government. The President does not have much power and is really only there for ceremonial purposes. The Prime Minister is the person that actually holds most of the power. Singapore has three branches of government which include the executive, legislative and judiciary branches. The executive branch is the administrator of the government. It consists of the cabinet, which is led by the prime minister. The legislative branch makes laws. The legislative branch is parliament which is also led by the Prime minister. The judiciary branch interprets the law through cases brought to it. There are state courts and supreme courts in Singapore, but the highest court is the court of appeal. 

In Singapore, there are two elections held which are parliamentary and presidential. The presidential candidates will be nominated by the Prime Minister and approved by the presidential elections committee. If only one candidate is approved for then there will be no vote, but if there are two or more candidates then the citizens of Singapore will have a chance to vote. All candidates for parliament must be nominated before they can declare their candidacy. Like with the president if there is only one candidate's nomination approved for a certain thing then there will be no vote on if they are elected, but if there are two or more than the people will get to vote.    

Some people in Singapore were not very happy about the last presidential election held in 2017. President Hamilah Yacob was the only candidate in that election and was in fact favored by a majority of people. The reason people were not happy that she automatically was president is that they wanted to exercise their vote. The people also seem to be very dissatisfied with the government of Singapore. They feel like they don’t have the freedom to criticize their government. Citizens also feel like they can not influence government policy and action and that the government did not care about them. People want to government to step up in addressing the needs of the aging population, followed by moderating rising prices, helping the marginalized in society, improving the public transport system, providing more resources for healthcare needs.



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