Political Systems- Turkey

Ellery Germain
January 21, 2020
Turkey political system
Turkey is a Republic Parliamentary Democracy. The country risk rating is about in between acceptable risk and high risk. But the corporate default is high. The freedom rating is 5.5/7 as well as the political rights. The Civil Ratings is 6/7 with 1 being the most free and 7 being the least free. According to the OSCE, the 2018 elections were marred by a number of flaws, including misuse of state resources by the ruling party to gain an electoral advantage, as well as intimidation of and attacks on the HDP and other opposition parties. Following that, In April, two HDP members of parliament were removed from office due to criminal convictions for “insulting a public employee” and membership in a terrorist organization. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been the ruling party in Turkey since 2002. A The head of the government is Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. The people have had many troubles with their government. The Index of Economic Freedom is 64.6% out of 100%. The country has no Regional Trade Blocs. The government has three branches. In the executive branch the election cycle is five years. In the judicial branch the mandatory retirement age is 65. Last, the Legislative branch has an election cycle of four years. 



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