Minimum Wage Rising - Alex Gross

Possible Minimum Wage Growth
This CNBC article about minimum wage discusses the raise of minimum wage to fifteen dollars in Seattle, and how this would work in the rest of the country. The article has some evidence that workers tend to work less when their wages are raised drastically, which caused some companies to have to raise their prices for the first time in decades. The minimum wage in Seattle in 2014 was around nine dollars, and a bill was passed that said that by 2021 the minimum wage would be $15 dollars. All of the evidence used in this article comes from Seattle because their minimum wage is now around $14 and nearing its set point for next year, however Seattle is a very booming economy right now as said in this article, so it would be very difficult to use this for judging what the federal minimum wage would be. Personally, I think that raising minimum wage to 15 on a federal level would not be a very smart decision in the eyes of our country as a whole, because many businesses would suffer. Currently, our seven dollar and twenty-five cent minimum wage minimum is only observed by 20 states. This means that the majority of the states decided independently that they would raise it above this level. In most of these states with the 7.25 dollar minimum allowed by law, there is either a very low cost of living, or the companies have to raise the wage above this level if there are no employee benefits. Every state has something different about its wage than all the others, and if the federal rate was raised to 15 dollars an hour, most companies would keep it at exactly 15. This would cause a disassembly of the economic balance we have throughout the different states, because people with a twice as high cost of living, would be making as much as someone who lives somewhere MUCH cheaper. I believe that if there is any change made to minimum wage, it can not happen all at once because the average consumer in America will be paying much more for their goods, and companies will go out of business left and right. This would cause some states to immediately more than double their minimum wages, and cause years of economic stress on our country. If there was a much more gradual and subtle change to the federal minimum wage rate however, it would be feasible and could possibly be helpful to our economy.


  1. Interesting article, I was just wondering if this is minimum wage fluctuating will the wages for middle class change too or will the middle class workers also become minimum wage workers? Because if the wages for minimum wage increase would the wages above rise as well, then would the prices for everyday items in markets and grocery stores follow this upward trend? And eventually would all prices rise and even out everything until we're back at the place we started?

  2. This Seems good but would this increase prices for other things like fast food because they have to pay their workers more or would this make people work at McDonald's for the rest of there lives and make the jobs harder to get or more people would get laid off of work. I Think that it sounds good but when its actually implemented it will do little to nothing


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