Minimum wage- Sara Avalos

The article I decided to read was about how companies in Seattle have been able to continue working since the raising minimum wage. In 2014 a law was passed in Seattle to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2021. In 2014, the minimum wage in Seattle was $9.19, in 2020 the minimum wage goes from $13.50 to $16.39. By increasing the minimum wage businesses thought that this would ake workers work more hours to get more money. They were completely wrong since the pay increased some workers wanted to work fewer hours. Other workers such as Martin Johnson, who work multiple minimum wage jobs feel that the increase in the pay makes them feel needed and important. Multiple stores and restaurants have had to close due to the increased minimum wage. Since the increase in the minimum wage, there has also been an increase in leasings and mortgages.

I found it interesting that some of these minimum waged workers decide to work fewer hours to make the same amount of money that they did make before the increase. While others who work more than one job feel like they are needed because they are being paid more than they were being paid before. While having the minimum wage be increased to $15, this means that the way of living in Seattle will go up. This happens since some places have to raise their prices because they are paying their employees more. The government is doing this in hopes to raise the economy and that the people invest more in local businesses. I think that if the minimum wage gets raised and the price of living gets raised, we will have the same problem as we did while having the minimum wage be about $9 an hour. The thing that would have to happen is that while raising the minimum wage keep that price of living the same.

Work Cited


  1. This was an interesting to hear about because I had never really thought how people who worked for minimum wage would work fewer hours when it was raised to result in making the same amount of money. It is interesting to me how people are willing to settle and make the bare minimum they need so they don't end up having to do too much work. Did the article say anything about an interview with people who have this mindset? I think it would be a cool perspective to see the difference between how these people are thinking versus the people who continue to work the same hours and end up making more money than they did before.


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