Ocean Floor Mining How Bad Could It Be

Isaak Townsend
Mining has been part of our world for a long time but is it time to look to another place to do it, the ocean floor. The floor of the ocean opens up a vast expanse of land to mine more than whats on the continents. The idea of mining on the ocean floor is an interesting one the eminence pressure would cause a lot of innovations to be made, it would without a doubt be a very profitable business once it got running. There are some ethical issues associated with it, the procedures that they are proposing would involve taking in a large amount of sediment then filtering out anything of value then expelling the unnecessary sediment back into the bottom of the ocean the problem with this is that the sediment contains minerals such as lead and other minerals that are toxic to marine life and this would kill fish and disturb ecosystems for many miles. This way or mining and disturbing ecosystems would not just harm fishermen but it could harm the air, around 80% of the total amount of oxygen that is produced is made by marine algae. W have already done a lot of damage to our animal life in the ocean with plastics and trashes this would not help the situation that the animals are faced with. Humans have already caused oil spills what would happen if one of these places that mined had a happening. The thought of mining on the ocean floor is one that gives miners another place to go to but is it worth the environmental damage.


  1. This was an interesting article. How do you think the scientists will fix the problems that would surface as this mining would begin. Also what large steps have been made against this mining and what did those steps if any constitute.


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