Interview - 1

This interview I did with someone who lives in a state where pot is legal and knows a few people in the pot industry. He gave me a lot of information to what a place with pot legalized looks like. He gave me not only some factual information but also his personal opinions on it they were interesting to say  the least. He also gave me the contact information for someone who sells pot for a living. What he told me about how people look in a place with pot being legal is that you don't see that much of a problem with it the streets aren't flooded with people who are stoned on pot he said that the only problems with it are ones that are exactly the same with alcohol like people driving while under the influence of pot and he can confirm that people walk around parks when they have been smoking it, people getting addicted to it and you can see the same problems with alcohol the regulations around pot there are also similar to the regulations with alcohol. He does from his personal opinion agrees with medical uses for pot only if its prescription but not recreational use of it because hes said that hes seen it tear apart family's and people have dropped out of high school and college because of it. He also said that a lot of people follow the money. this means that some people don't support the use of it but because its so easy to get addicted to and so many people are already addicted its almost like free money for them. The interview was actually quite down to earth and made sense. It gave me a lot of information about how a state with marijuana actually works and handles the pot.


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