interview - 3

This interview I conducted on a person who had served with the Houston police department. This interview gave me some interesting information but also a lot to think about. What he said was that when he saw the effects of pot on people it was similar to alcohol such as getting addicted to it and he speculates that if it were to become legal the problems that you would see with it would be very very similar to issues with alcohol such as driving while under the influence of it and he also says that the only real problems with it is because its illegal he expanded by saying that people not only  have to worry about being arrested because of it but because its not regulated taxed or anything they don't have to abide by any regulations so they can do what ever they want to do to it  he also said that some people will just sell you crushed dark green leaves and it looks exactly like it but also he said that you don't know what conditions the pot has been kept in when you buy it such as it could have been kept in formaldehyde and when you smoke that it isn't good for your lungs at all. He also said that he said that marijuana was a waste and still is a waste of the polices time and effort and that it wasn't actually that big of a problem like other drugs such as cocaine meth etc he added to this with the comment of "I never had been called to a persons house who had been smoking pot and had a problem" he only had problems when there was people selling it and he also had problems when people were on something else. The next comment surprised me he said that he would rather have prohibition of alcohol back and have pot legal because you can tell when someones high but its harder to see if  someone is drunk because there are four types of drunk and people who are drunk can be unpredictable but someone who's stoned you know that they are just going to sit there and cooperate with you because they don't have a care in the world.


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