Interview Blog 1

Isabelle Saxon
April 30, 2020

Interview Blog 1

For My first Interview I talked to Elyse Trusell. Mrs. Trusell was a teacher and now an administrator for The Joy School. She is highly trained in dealing with special education students and has past experience as a public school teacher. Mrs. Trusell agreed with me about the misunderstanding that special education students face. She talked about how she had seen that misunderstanding when her own brother was a special education student and was told by a teacher that he was unintelligent. Out of all my interviews she seemed to most mirror my views on misunderstanding. She talked about how public school systems need to offer more education on the subject for students, parents, and teachers. She did say that the reason it is not already happening is likely due to lack of money since that can become expensive. She said that she believes that more education on the subject would make a big difference. Stating that she doesn’t believe that incidence like the one with her brother were meant to be mean per-say, but more due to ignorance. She stated that during her time training to be the teacher that the  amount of training they received for special education was nowhere near enough to prepare her. She said that it was her students in early years who had to tell her that they needed her help because of their disabilities and she felt bad for not being able to recognize it on her own. She really opened my eyes to how much ignorance plays a part in this. I really thought that when I found the study that said 33% of teachers think laziness and disabilities are the same. I assumed it meant they were bad teachers, but I see now that could have just been misunderstanding. It helped me realize that it really isn’t the teachers fault it’s the fault of the system that failed to educate them properly.


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