Interview of Mr. Mangaya - Andy Walsh

Mr. Mangaya is an immigrant from the Phillipines and he is a certified firearms instructor that works with the NRA to provide training courses for firearms, he also owns his own company that teaches people about firearms. He has three college degrees and is a licensed bodyguard and private investigator. He started the interview by saying: “I am a United States Citizen enjoying the exercise of my 2nd Amendment Rights that most people from around the world could never even imagine”. He grew up in a country where guns were very restricted but he was able to shoot and learn about guns because some of his relatives were Police Officers. One thing that he brought up a lot was that an armed society is a polite society. Think of the impact that it would make if more people began to exercise their rights and carry firearms, the crime rate would drop significantly and people would be safer. He believes that gun laws only restrict citizens from utilizing their rights. Criminals don’t obey the law and they will never obey the law so implementing more laws in an attempt to stop criminals will not be effective at all. Mr. Mangaya is very involved in the education portion of firearms. He believes that education and safety is the number one priority when it comes to guns. He spends his day educating hundreds of adults on firearms and how they can keep themselves and their families safe. The average response times for police officers is three minutes so that means if you are being robbed or assaulted then you have to defend yourself for three minutes and that is extremely hard if you don’t have a firearm. He believes that your safety is your responsibility and he even brought up the point that today he is teaching more and more women on how to carry firearms so they can protect themselves (mostly single mothers as well). He gave a lot of great information and it was interesting to hear the opinion of someone who educates people on firearms safety.  


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