Interview Shootings in schools Dr. Blanca Cienfuegos

Emilio San Vicente



Mr. Roddy

What make teens kill in schools

For this topic I reach Dr. Blanca Cienfuegos who explained to me why teens have these extrem ideas and behaviors for killing someone. This topic was pretty delicate to talk about, but at the end I finally understood what is behind this teens.

 So there are too many reasons why teens kill but the most common ones are that most of these teens already believed in some horrible ideas that were provoked by themselves or by someone for example if they were harmed by their family or in a difficult environment. Another option that we can find is that they could consume any substance like drugs, making them have decisions that they didn’t think about before but now they do. With this explanation we can show that basically these kids were harmed in some point of their lives, and with this pain they want to try to escape in some way because it is too much weight to carry day after day. These people live in their own world without thinking of anyone else, they just walk through a place that they feel is the correct path. 

Dr. Blanca Cienfuegos explained that another reason that might affect their way of thinking and act is because of violent video games which basically affect in some parts of the brain changing the behaviors and providing part of the ideas that we saw before.  

When we were almost finishing our chat, I asked about what we can do to help them? So what we can do as students and also as teachers is to first watch any behavior that seem to be out of normal and then if we think that it is possible to talk to him or her try to comprehend their pain and concerns, this might sound like not a great option to do for some of you but in reality it helps a lot in the healthy social status of the teen letting them know that they are  not alone and there will be someone to be supported. 


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