Challenge Project Reflection Blog- Sara

Sara Avalos
Mr. Roddy
14 May 2020
Challenge Project Reflection Blog
My topic for my challenge project is the journey that immigrants have to take to come to the United States while enduring physical and mental challenges that come with the journey. I made a website so that my community could be informed and I think that that is the best way to share my information. When deciding how I was going to be able to engage in the community while still being safe from this virus. While civil engagement is not the easy thing to do, I think that it is very efficient to spread the news about a topic that is affecting the community. Making the actual website was fairly easy, the challenge was figuring out what information to put on the website. While I was not able to have multiple interviews, I think that the two interviews that I did have were great additions to my knowledge and my website. I think that I was able to summarize the most important information about immigration. I am planning on volunteering at an organization that helps immigrants, once the situations of COVID-19 get better. I think that being able to volunteer at an organization will be very beneficial for me, so I can put into practice what I learn and be able to help those that are trying to adjust to the United States. I think that my website is beneficial for Texas since there is a large population of immigrants. Since these immigrants are here Texas, is able to have a diverse culture, which allows people to learn more about the world that surrounds them. This topic is especially related to Texas since there are multiple people in Texas that come from Latin descent or that are Latinos. I believe that I was able to make my website well and giving the public the information that was needed, while also giving them the option to volunteer.


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