CP Reflection Blog - Andy Walsh

Reflection Blog
I learned a lot during my first challenge project experience, I enjoyed the process even though we had to adjust some parts due to our current situation. I enjoyed picking a topic that I am interested in and then researching that topic. The most important part in my opinion was the interviews, I not only enjoyed this part the most, it also helped me the most in my research and engagement. I learned that anyone can take a part in civil engagement and everyone can educate and learn about what they are interested in. At first, I didn't know how I was going to engage in my topic, I didn't know what Was going to do. In the end I made a website that I am very happy with. I like this form of engagement because it is not final, I can continue to update and make changes to my website. I also like how anyone can view it and maybe one day someone will use my site for a school project. America was built on many different ideals but one of them is that the citizens are supposed to have the power. That's why civil engagement is so important, the civilians can choose what they want from the government and they are allowed to have their own opinions and ideas. 


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