Engagement Plan

For my engagement in the community, I plan on volunteering with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. There are different ways to volunteer and for now, the best way to do so is by volunteering from home. Some projects that people have taken part in are quilt making and scrapbooking for children. I have emailed them about volunteer opportunities and they’ve sent me an application form.

I made a blog that I will use to update you on my volunteer opportunity. I will also be posting information about making reports on child abuse and other information that I have collected from research and interviewing. As a blog, I can continue my challenge project after this semester and continue to use it as a way to record my experiences. Since my original idea was to inform people about the different types of child abuse and how to address them, I am thinking of putting up data about child abuse, explaining disproportionality, and writing about different parenting techniques around the world to bring awareness to how culture overlaps with our perception of child abuse. I’m hoping to be able to take what I researched and bring it to a place where it can be shared.

Blog Link:


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