Reflection Blog

Isabelle Saxon

Reflection Blog

I really loved my Challenge Project. It took a while and was at times very hard but I loved doing it. I loved getting the opportunity to talk about special education. As a special education student myself the topic is very important to me. I have to admit that going into my topic I knew it very well unlike many of my peers. However I was surprised to learn that there wasn’t as much advocacy about the topic as I thought there would be. I had always really wanted to get more engaged in advocacy for special education, but I had assumed that I would have to wait till I was older to do something actually impactful. The project really helped me open my eyes to how I could engage now and make a real difference. I will continue to be engaged in the topic long after this project is over. Already have strong ties to The Joy School. I have an internship there, and I will likely help engage more over the coming years. I really want to help spread awareness among my community about special education. I talked a lot throughout the project about the problems with misunderstanding that special education faces, and I feel a sense of responsibility to help fix that problem. Many people seem to find disabilities a taboo topic and it leads to people being ignorant which helps no one. I feel a responsibility to help start those discussions. I hope that by helping to start them they will conuite and with the work of many others understanding will become the new standard. The high rates of bullying and ignorance will drop. I want to be able to live in a society where the special education student doesn’t have to face the same shaming and bullying that I experienced and many others experienced.


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