Reflection Blog

Cidette Rice

Reflection Blog

When I took up beekeeping in spring of 2020, it was because I felt restless not having a school routine. I felt like I needed to start something new and I had to have something else to focus on while I tried to process the huge changes that it took over my life and many others. I didn’t predict that I would have so much fun with it and that I would learn so much just through working with my mom on hives. The first time I asked her if I could be keep with her was a week before I actually started beekeeping. She thought I was joking at first so she initially pushed it off. It wasn't until six days later that I reintroduced the idea and she realized I wasn’t just playing around. on the seventh day, I suited up and she walked me through all the hives in our front yard and said that the next would include me going with her to a client’s house. I was excited but nervous, seeing it was only my second day beekeeping and I would be an assistant to my mom while working on someone else’s bees. While I did have a lot of fun in my early stages of beekeeping, I couldn’t help but feel guilty with the weight of undone school work sitting on my shoulders.
As the days progressed I got more and more nervous about what my academic life looked like and what it meant for my future. This is when my advisors started to reach out for me, but I still felt unmotivated and a bit ashamed about my academic position. Luckily, my advisers kept pushing, and I eventually budged. I got over the initial embarrassed. Quite quickly and started to move onto the stage where I had a dawning realization that if I didn’t get my act together quickly, my highschool GPA would not look good.
Mr. Roddy, being both my IHSS teacher and advisor, was rightfully inquisitive about my challenge project’s progress status. At this time, I was still working on capital punishment. he mentioned I should follow something I’m passionate about like bees and I went from there. Cidette’s bee focused challenge project was born.
Over the total course of my project, I worked bees with my mom on 16 separate days, with four of those days being client focused and three of those days working alone. My mom gave me a lot of independence and responsibility while working bees during my project, and I am very grateful for that. 
For this year‘s challenge project I feel like I learned a lot more than what’s inside the realms of both capital punishment and beekeeping. I now have a deeper understanding of my own work habits and environment and I need to complete assignments. Not only will I take what I’ve learned in beekeeping with me throughout my entire life, but I will do the same with what I’ve learned about my academic needs and abilities. I think switching the projects to be be focused from capital punishment was one of the best ideas ever, and I don’t think I can think of Mr.Roddy enough for helping me realize it. Spring 2020 has been unforgettable in many different ways for many different people, but I truly mean it when I say I will never forget the challenges this project brought on and the things I learned from it.


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