Reflection Blog

Connor Kissack
Mr. Roddy
20 May 2020
Reflection Blog

When I chose to do research on the Galveston Bay I primarily thought little of it. The only details I knew were that the beach is definitely one of the worst because of two reasons; the oil rigs as well as all the litter that has been tossed upon the beach by the people. These reasons were in fact correct and this helped me realize what has been happening in Galveston. I learned that no one has put millions of dollars into trying to remove a lot of the oil that has been spilled into the Gulf of Mexico that continues to wash up into Galveston Bay. I also learned that lots of erosion and lots of pollution comes and washes up on Galveston from hurricanes that start near the continent of Africa. The beach continues to get hit at year by year with no goal insight. I interviewed a variety of different people on their own beliefs on how they feel about Galveston and I even interviewed people who work in conservation groups to help Galveston and asked how they are combatting this issue. Throughout the project, I thought of different fixes on how it would be possible to aid, not just Galveston Bay, but beaches around the world. I did a lot of research and have even started to promote an instagram page for people to realize what small piece of plastic they might throw on the beach may impact towards the environment. I hope to go to Galveston soon and take a variety of different pictures to show people the horrors of what goes on at the beach and that we need to take a stand for it. I learned a lot throughout this project and it has shown me the catastrophic situations that may happen in the very future because of pollution by the people.


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