Bride kidnaping (Kyrgyzstan)

    Bride kidnapping was originally a ritual, then a tradition, and now illegal. It was a ritual surrounding the customs of marriage, where the woman is snatched from the streets and taken away to their captor's family home. there the captor's family will try to convince the "Bride" to wed their son. Authorities recognized this put may young women in danger of domestic violence, rape, and phycological trauma, in 2013 this custom was made illegal. Although made illegal, in rural areas of the country this practice still happens. 

    In one part of the article, there was a section talking about how women suppressed other women. Many of the cases were not reported or they were retracted because they "fear public shaming for disobedience" and were pressured by other family members. Although there are women who might think this way the article also talked about women who don't stand this practice and are finding ways to engage other women in fighting against bride kidnapping. Zamira Moldosheva, a fashion designer, created a fashion line only featuring women who were victims of bride kidnapping dressed in their historical attire. I thought this was a very nice way of bringing up the problem and making it more aware of people who may not know this happens.


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