sociology post- ariela

 Ariela Kluk

Mr. Roddy


October 10, 2020

The study of sociology is an interesting way to look at many different aspects of our societal roles and places in our communities. There are many different subcategories of sociology that each hold there own importance. These focuses can range from morals and etiquette (which were studied in depth by Harriet Martineau) to suicide and religious life (which were researched by Emile Durkheim). Harriet Martineau was known for not only studying the important subjects of morals and etiquette; but also being the first female sociologist in the world. Emile Derheim was known as the father of sociology because he was a founder of the french school of sociology. 

Harriet Martineau studied our society's morals and manners. She is well known for have visited America and having created two important writings that addressed new advances in sociology. She also was well known for being an avid supporter of the abolitionist movement. Though being part of this movement was considered quite radical at the time, it was fitting for her as she was the first female sociologist. Overall she was very influential for sociology and has paved a path for many women to become a sociologist. 

Emile Durkheim who was a sociologist from France in the 1800s was also known as the father of sociology. He made some interesting findings of suicide and which people were more inclined to commit suicide. His research was about how people with less social involvement, and less participation in society, were more common to commit suicide because of their isolation. His research also extended into religion, where he recommended that religion had a VERY strong relation to sociology because people would come together as a community and share ideas. He realized that religion was an important part of society and that it would be difficult for societies to exist without religion. 


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