toy blog

 Ariela Kluk

Mr. Roddy


Oct 2, 2020

American Girl Doll

As a child, I played a lot with American girl dolls. The dolls are supposed to portray girls from ages 8-12 of all ethnicities. The dolls came with books that tell the story of the doll which helps give a background of their ethnicity. They also came out with look-alike dolls where you design the doll to look like you. The first doll I received was for my 8th birthday from my grandma, Her name was Kanani. Kanani was a Hawaiian girl and her story was about how her cousin comes to visit her and they have a beautiful friendship until she makes a silly mistake which threatens her fragile friendship but before fixing it she must learn the true meaning of the aloha spirit. Each book teaches a different story not only about friendship but about different cultures. 

My neighbor (best friend) and I would play with our dolls all day long. The dolls were and are very pricey but became a trend and not only were they good quality but also taught you about different cultures. The store sold clothes, beds, cars, kitchen sets, and more (these were also VERY pricey). We would play house, put the girls to bed, take them to school, make them cook, and more. It was very entertaining but also allowed our imagination to run free and because they looked like us we could make them do things we always wanted to do. Even tho the doll was first advertised for girls only after a few years they came out with boy dolls and baby dolls. This expanded the brand and boys started buying them as well, along with boys the baby dolls began getting sold to ages under 8. 

American girl doll commercials are girls of ages 8-12 holding there doll and playing with them. Usually, you will see the girls dressed like her dolls because the company sold matching sets so that the doll could be exactly like you. 


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