Alex Karni: The Study of Suicide

Alex Karni
Mr. Roddy

In 1897, a book called "Le Suicide" was published by a man named Émile Durkheim, a French Sociologist. Nowadays his text is tough to psychology students. He was able to publish the first book that was capable of presenting psychological study of suicide, rather than having it due to someones temperament. At the time, it was totally new concept but one that was groundbreaking.

Basically, his text went like this. The content of Suicide advertised an examination of how suicide rates at the time varied by religion. Particularly, Durkheim analyzed contrasts between Protestants and Catholics. He found a lower rate of suicide among Catholics and theorized that this was due to more grounded shapes of social control and cohesion among them than among Protestants. Durkheim also found out that Suicide was less common between women than men, more common among single than partnered, and less amongst who have children. Even further soldiers have a very high rate of suicide because of guilt and the fact of dying. One thing that he realized was that they committed suicide during peacetime rather during the war itself. Based on his own data, he also realized that social integration was a big factor in particular. The more someone is connected to society, the less likely they are to commit suicide. 

Durkheim divided the Typology of Suicide into four categories:

Anomic suicide which is when a person feels a disconnection form society and a feeling of loneliness

Altruistic Suicide which is when somebody devotes to kill themselves for the benefit of a cause in society, like for a religious or political cause.

Egoistic Cause which is when somebody is completely detached from society whether its because of loss of family members or getting old. 

Fatalistic Suicide which is when somebody chooses to give up their life rather than having to live through something. An example can be prisoners. 


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