Communist Manifesto

Andreas Cantu
Mr. Roddy
27 September
Manifestos and sociology 
          The Communist Manifesto was originally written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels during the year of 1848, and has become one of the most taught texts in sociology. It was taught because it gave a very different view and critique on capitalism and how it inserts itself in our culture. It has become a popular worldwide read since the 19th century, and time and time again it has been a basis of capitalism critique. Also it gives a new view of "social, economic, and political systems that are organized by equality and democracy rather than exploitation." (Cole) 
          Part 1 of the Manifest is called the "Bourgeois and Proletarians," it is the main part of the manifesto and is the one that is typically taught. In this part Marx and Engels talk about unequal evolution of the class structure that is capitalism. In the rise of Capitalism there were two kinds of people, the Bourgeois (owners of the means of production) and the Proletarians (the wage workers.) They wrote that the modern Bourgeois society has sprung from the ruins feudal society, has only established new conditions of oppression, and new forms of struggle. The Bourgeois managed to do this by, having control of industry, but because those who had the means to get in this class seized state power by creating and controlling the "post-feudal" political system. They continue to explain that because, capitalism is built on growth, it consumes all the people and societies around the world. Although capitalism is a scary thing for these people they have acknowledge that it is "designed for failure." This is due to the fact that as capitalism begins to grow, their exploitative conditions for the wage workers began to worsen with time, and with that it begins to plant the "seeds of revolt." Marx and Engels stated that a revolt can already been seen, and it is the rise of the Communist Party. 
         Part 2 of the manifest is titled "Proletarians and Communists." Marx and Engels go over what exactly the communist want to do for society. The communist party is not a political worker party but instead a party that represents the interests of the worker. The Communists plan was to turn the proletarians into a cohesive class and "overthrow the rule of the bourgeoisie, and to seize and redistribute political power." (Cole) And the main goal of this is to abolish private property. They go on to list their ten goals of the Communist Party which some of which include: 
1. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
2. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
3. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
4. Abolishment of private property
         Part 3 of the manifest titled "Socialist and Communist Literature", introduces three different forms of socialist literature, also known as the Bourgeois Critiques that were around at the time. These three forms of socialism include conservative or bourgeois socialism, reactionary socialism, and critical-utopian socialism or communism. Reactionary Socialism goals were to raise everyone up to be a member of the bourgeoisie. The Bourgeois Socialist were the sustainers of the current state of bourgeois class relations. And the final type was distressed about offering a real assessment of the class and social structure. However their goal was to fight for separate societies instead of fighting the keep together the old ones. 
        The Fourth and final part of the Manifest titled "Position of the Communists in Relation to the Various Existing Opposition Parties" begins with Marx and Engel writing that they will accept all "revolutionary movements that challenge the existing social and political order." (Cole) They end the manifest with a cry for all proletarians to unite. 
        After reading and writing this, I thought about how I truly feel about communism and capitalism and I think they really work. Well starting with communism, on paper this idea sounds great, I mean read what I wrote above the whole point is for everyone to be equal and that sounds great, but when it got put into action it did not pan out well causing the idea to fallout. Now capitalism although is a ruthless game I do do believe that it is the best way to live. It encourages people to try their very best and keep working until they have achieved their goals, and I don't think there is anything better than that. 


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