New minimum wage

Blake Peterson
Mr. Roddy 
26 March 2020 
15$ Minimum Wage 
The article I read talked about a law passed in Seatle that raised the minimum wage from 9$ an hour to 15$ an hour. Almost instantly the new law had some good and bad effects on businesses and workers. One company the article talks about is a local restaurant named, Dick’s Drive-In. The employees working at dick’s decided to work fewer hours because of the increase in pay. With the employees working fewer hours, Dick’s had to rais their prices to be able to pay for more employees. At other businesses, employees said they felt like there was more moral to do their jobs well and they felt like they were more appreciated by their employer. Even businesses that were already paying 15$ an hour were affected. They had to raise their hourly wages to be able to compete for employees with the other companies. I think higher wages could be good because everyone would like to get paid more and it could make people work better at their jobs. The new minimum wage could help lift lower-income families out of poverty, but because the companies have to pay employees more they might try to make their system more automated so they need fewer employees. If companies lowered the number of employees they need, it would cause a lot of people to lose their jobs. To have a higher minimum wage we need to make sure people will not get fired from their jobs because their employers cant pay them. We also have to make sure companies don’t need to raise their prices because their employees don’t need to work as much. 
Work Cited
KateRogers. “Seattle Passed a $15 Minimum Wage Law in 2014. Here's How It's Turned out so Far.” CNBC, CNBC, 2 Jan. 2020,


  1. Since doubling the minimum wage was clearly too drastic of a change, what would be a more reasonable increase? Gabriel Avritscher mentioned in his entry that it would have been more sensible to raise it in proportion to the inflation rate. That way the prices put out would better accommodate the demands of the customers.


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