Interview 1 - Sofi

Sofi Savarese
Mr. Roody 
Interview 1
To learn more about trash I contacted a local Galveston homeowner, Paige Penchas. My partner and I asked her questions about the amount of trash found on the Galveston beach. Paige explained that the house that she owns is on a private beach that gets cleaned every day. She explained how she does not see civilians throwing their trash on the ground or into the ocean which is a good sign. Paige thinks that the reason that they don’t throw their trash on the ground is that there are very big blue trash bins in close proximity to each other. Paige elaborates on how the bins are kept in good condition and are appealing to the eye. She says that there is no trash piling up and it doesn't smell very bad. Paige explains that the trash is emptied frequently. Paige also noticed that if there is an area of the beach that people are often visiting, there is no trash compared to places along the beach that have no people. She thinks that there is some sort of social pressure to keep the beach clean through the tourists and civilians of Galveston. This system seems to be working because there is very little trash that she sees on the beach. Paige said that the only sort of trash that she sees is more like natural debris such as wood that floats onto the beach. This is a good sign because it means that the civilians of Galveston are working hard on keeping the beaches clean. 
We also asked if Paige has seen any efforts from volunteer groups or other people or organize beach clean ups. She said that she had not seen any volunteer groups picking up trash at all. Although, near nature areas that are protected she has seen people gathering to pick up trash. 


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