CP Reflection Blog- Kilali

Kilali Latter

Mr. Roddy


14 May 2020

Reflection Blog

I have learned that civic engagement can be quiet difficult. I also learned that there are many ways to engage in a topic. For my project I did a website because it was the best way to share the information that I learned with the people in my community, especially considering that we are currently in quarantine and can’t leave our houses. I think some of the successes I had were my interviews and the end result of the website I made. I was able to get an interview with four out of the five people I contacted and one of those interviews was even with a member of congress. I also think that the website I made was made very well as had everything that I wanted on it. I think one challenge would be conducting the interviews at first. I was not very used to doing them so I was very nervous but after two of my interviews I felt I got the hang of it, so those last two went more smoothly. The other challenge would be learning how to make the website. I used a website that makes websites to make it. I still had to learn how to move things around and put everything in the place I wanted so that was a little challenging. Also choosing what I wanted on my website and how I wanted to format it was a little bit of a challenge. I don’t think there are many ways for me to engage in the long term with this topic except for adding more information and blogs to my website. Civic engagement is important because it is people working to make a difference on a topic or issue. It can also be spreading information to people about that topic which is important because the more people that are informed about a certain topic or issue the more awareness is brought to it. Without people speaking up about an issue or engaging in it a lot of problems in our world would not be resolved. I think that I learned a lot from the challenge project as a whole but especially the engagement portion of it. I learned new skills like how to properly do an interview and how to make a website. I also learned a lot more about my topic because I was able to use what I had learned from my essay and my interviews and apply it to my engagement project, which allowed me to have a better understanding of my topic.


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