CP Reflection

     The Challenge Project was definitely an interesting experience for me. I learned about civic engagement and how the definition of that changes when life is moved online. The coronavirus and the lockdown greatly affected how this project went for me, and I'm sure for all of my peers as well. Many, including me, had to rethink our engagement plans entirely and mold it to fit into the new normal, where everything is virtual. Civic engagement is very important to a community. There is a sense of bonding in certain civic engagements, for example, protests. It is important for people to stand together and work to better our world.
     One notable success I had was my meeting with Jim Blackburn, a professor at Rice University. His opinions and input opened my eyes to a lot of new thoughts I hadn't considered yet. I also think that the infographic that I made about air pollution (my topic) was a success. I am proud of the result (Lud2MdYb7YQ). I faced many challenges doing this project. I was mostly challenged by the move to online learning, and I felt daunted by the tasks ahead of me which made it harder for me to get my work done. I don't think I will engage in this project any longer, unless perhaps I decide to write more about this for the essays I will have to write in my junior and senior year. 


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