Reflection blog

Ariana Luk
Mr. Roddy
14 May 2020
Civic engagement reflection
Through this project I learnt that if you really want to engage in the community you have to be passionate about what you're presenting. After writing the essay I wanted to let people know what they were doing to their eyes and body but when I realized how difficult it was to get in contact with people I felt a little down. I think my topic is fairly new to this era and that might have been one of my biggest struggle to conquer in this assignment. I chose to research Screen addiction/misuse. At first it was difficult to think of any occupations specializing in this subject, but Ms. Pilisi was there to recommend some people to me. After my interview I was thinking of ways to engage, I wanted to move more towards the effects it has on our bodies and less on the addiction part. So I made an infographic explaining the harms of excessive screen time and how you can prevent bad habits. In my opinion my biggest success was my final product, the infographic. It has a lot of words but I think its bearable. 
After this project I have new views on civic engagement. Before I thought it was great that people could gather the guts to try and change their community. But now I think its more than great, its extremely helpful in bringing awareness and putting out information. In my group there were several issues that I had no idea existed, and they were brought up. The way my peers presented their topics in a convenient way and straight to the point, this made me want to learn more about it. I think this wanting to learn is an important part of civic engagement. Because the information they first see is somewhat like an introduction and researching on your own can give one a better understanding of the matter and inspire one to also engage.


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