Reflection Blog

Adrian Perez 
Mr. Roddy 
May 14h, 2020
Reflection Blog 

As I reflect on all the accomplishments I made throughout this entire challenge project, I realized that I learned a lot about civic engagement. I learned to have patience when it comes to trying to change something, because a lot of things don't happen overnight. I learned to reach out whenever I was in need because having more than one voice could have a more positive impact on your issue. This challenge project was very entertaining. Some of the more challenging parts of it was the wait times I had to wait for someone to reach back out to me. Those wait times felt like an eternity. Also whenever an organization wouldn’t get back to you, and you would have to scrap them as an option. But whenever they would respond, it would greatly benefit you. One of the organizations that responded to me was Mothers Against Police Brutality. This organization representative that contacted me was John Fullinwinder. He was a very interesting and informative man. He really knew and was very interested in this topic. I am going to keep in contact with him and the organization even after this challenge project is over. I am going to send the infographic I made, and try to see if after quarantine I could go volunteer. They are stationed in Austin but I think they have representatives here in Houston.  I feel like it is important to have civic engagement because it is important to see how the citizens feel about a certain issue in their city. Especially for people our age, so we could have a voice in those issues. This challenge project was really fun, I enjoyed it both times I did it, and always looked forward to doing it.  


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