Baptism - IHSS Rituals

Baptism has been around for a very long time and billions of people have done it. Many people may have many different definitions of Baptism but it basically boils down to a public display that you take Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. Baptism can be done at any age but is most commonly done to babies as they're the first step into the Christian faith. Different denominations of the Christian faith do Baptisms in different and denominations have even split because of how it is performed. The most common is the sprinkling or pouring of Holy Water on the head of the person getting Baptized as a sign of purification, regeneration and admission to the Christian Church and Christian faith. People may also be fully submerged in water symbolizing their old life being buried and the new life being resurrected in the eyes of God. So why do Christians get baptized? There are many different reasons but the main one is that the Bible commands them too. In the book of Mathew (28:19) it says: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," Christians have been commanded to go and make disciples and to be Baptized. That is a very brief summary of Baptism in the Christian faith and if you would like to learn more there are many good YouTube videos out there to help. 


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