Sociology Post

 Leon Hoang

Mr. Roddy

22 September 2020

Social Interaction and Online Gaming

When I started playing online games it was because most of my friends did, and not wanting to feel left out, I decided to join up. At first, my sole focus was to be the best at the game and to get better. However, after a while I finally came to the realization that social interaction through gaming is equally or more important than the game itself. In many online multiplayer games, interaction between players through some way, such as voice chat or text chat is essential. Because of that, I have both made and strengthened friendships over the years. Of course solo gaming is possible, but talking to people while playing is the best form of gaming there is. In fact sometimes if you don’t even enjoy the game, playing with others makes it feel like you do.

Furthermore, I found evidence to back up my opinion. “However, social interaction is a strong motive not only for playing multiplayer games, but also for forming lasting social relationships with other gamers (Siitonen)” I also discuss news, music preferences, and other things in gaming parties. So in conclusion, I think that social interaction and gaming are more important to each other than people think.,with%20other%20gamers%2C%20Siitonen%20says.&text=In%20addition%2C%20a%20game%20may,between%20whole%20groups%20and%20communities.           


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